Thursday, March 13, 2014

PhatBurn's Before Photo

Hey Everyone,

Check out our before photo, even our studio isn't exempt from Before & Afters... 

Construction has begun and we plan on being up and running in 3-4 weeks.
The weather is getting warmer (except for today) and it's time to get back into the PhatBurn studio and sweat.

We are launching a full class schedule from 6am-9pm. We will have a fat loss class, muscle building class and maintenance options. We will continue to send updates as we get closer to launch...

P.S. We are now pre-registering for programs beginning in April. The first 30 people to sign up are going to get 15% off all PhatBurn programs for 1 year. This offer expires March 31st so if you are interested click the link: GET STARTED NOW